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Englesko-bosanski rječnik

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Dictionary English Bosnian: [coll]

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English Bosnian
awesome {adj} [Am.] [coll.]sjajan
awesome {adj} [Am.] [coll.]super [razg.]
hooked {adj} [coll.] [addicted]ovisan
huge {adj} [coll.]moćan [fig.] [razg.]
nosy {adj} [coll.]radoznao
pretty {adv} [coll.]prilično
sb. sacked [coll.]neko je otpustio
scary {adj} [coll.]jeziv
scary {adj} [coll.]strašan
terrific {adj} [coll.] [excellent]bajan
terrific {adj} [coll.] [excellent]fantastičan
terrific {adj} [coll.] [excellent]odličan
terrific {adj} [coll.] [excellent]sjajan
terrific {adj} [coll.] [excellent]boli glava [razg.]
Unverified tipsy {adj} [coll.]pripit
Whatever. [coll.]Svejedno.
Whatever. [coll.]Briga me. [razg.]
yukky {adj} [coll.]fuj [razg.]
yukky {adj} [coll.]gadan
yukky {adj} [coll.]odvratan
yukky {adj} [coll.]ogavan
to beef [coll.] {verb}kukati [razg.]
to crib [coll.] {verb}prepisivati
to vacuum [coll.] {verb}usisavati [nesv.]
bellybutton {noun} [coll.]pupak {m}
bike {noun} [coll.] [bicycle]bicikl {m}
bike {noun} [coll.] [bicycle]biciklo {n} [razg.]
blockbuster {noun} [coll.]hit {m}
bogey {noun} [Br.] [coll.]slina {f}
booze {noun} [coll.]alkohol {m}
burger {noun} [coll.]hamburger {m}
cathouse {noun} [Am.] [coll.]javna kuća {f}
dad {noun} [coll.]babo {m}
dad {noun} [coll.]otac {m}
dad {noun} [coll.]tata {m}
gear {noun} [coll.]garderoba {f}
grandma {noun} [coll.]baba {f}
grandma {noun} [coll.]baka {f}
grandma {noun} [coll.]bika {f} [istoč., Sandžak]
grandma {noun} [coll.]nana {f}
grandma {noun} [coll.]nena {f}
grandpa {noun} [coll.]djed {m}
guy {noun} [coll.]tip {m} [razg.]
kid {noun} [coll.]dijete {n}
kid {noun} [coll.]klinac {m} [razg.]
kids {noun} [coll.]djeca {pl}
loo {noun} [Br.] [coll.]ćenifa {f} [razg.]
loo {noun} [Br.] [coll.]klozet {m} [razg.]
mum {noun} [Br.] [coll.]mama {f}
row {noun} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [noise, quarrel]frka {f} [razg., svađa]
TV telly {noun} [Br.] [coll.] [TV set]televizor {m}
Unverified typo {noun} [coll.]pravopisna greška
2 Words: Others
Me neither! [coll.]Ni ja!
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Šta ima? [razg.]
2 Words: Verbs
to kid around [Am.] [coll.] {verb}zafrkavati se [razg.]
3 Words: Others
Cut it out! [coll.]Prestani! [razg.]
Cut it short! [coll.]Skrati!
Cut it short! [coll.]De skrati malo! [razg.]
4 Words: Others
I have got it! [coll.]Kontam! [razg.]
I have got it! [coll.]Sad razumijem!
4 Words: Verbs
to be fed up with sth. [coll.] {verb}imati pun klinac nečega [razg.]
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