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BETA English-Bosnian translation for: What is the matter
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Dictionary English Bosnian: What is the matter

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

What is the matter?Šta se događa?
Partial Matches
What time is it?Koliko je sati?
What is your opinion? [formal]Šta mislite o tome?
What's the catch?U čemu je fazon? [razg.]
What's the catch?U čemu je fora? [razg.]
Unverified It's only a matter of time (before ...)Samo je pitanje vremena (kada će ...)
what {pron}šta
what [which]koji
what for {adv}čemu
what for {adv}zašto
What a pity!Šteta!
What's your name?Kako se zoveš?
What do you think?Šta ti misliš?
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Šta ima? [razg.]
What can I do for you?Kako vam mogu pomoći?
as iskao što jeste
there isima
there ispostoji
sb./sth. isnešto/neko je
Who is there?Ko je tu?
He is doing well.Dobro je.
How much is it?Koliko košta?
My name is Frank.Je se zovem Frank.
Unverified Is there such a thing?Postoji li nešto takvo?
lit. My Name Is Red [Orhan Pamuk]Zovem se Crvena
the {pron}taj
the Alps {noun}Alpe {pl}
Unverified on (the)kod
on the {prep}na
the same {pron}isto
Unverified to the contrarynaprotiv
to the left {adv}lijevo
to the left {adv}nalijevo
to the left {adv}ulijevo
to the right {adv}nadesno
to the right {adv}udesno
at the momenttrenutno
in the afternoon {adv}popodne
in the evening {adv}naveče
in the evening {adv}uveče
in the meantime {adv}u međuvremenu
in the morning {adv}ujutro
on the contrary {adv}naprotiv
on the left {adv}lijevo
on the right {adv}desno
to cut the cards {verb}sjeći karte
to flush the toilet {verb}pustiti vodu [na WC-u]
Unverified to mow the lawn {verb}kositi travu
to tell the truth {verb}govoriti istinu
hist. Alexander the Great {noun}Aleksandar {m} Veliki
hist. lit. Pliny the Elder {noun}Plinije {m} Stariji
by the way {adv} <BTW>inače
by the way {adv} <BTW>uostalom
by the way {adv} <BTW>uzgred
The bill please! [Br.]Račun molim!
as for the letteršto se tiče pisma
on the other hand {adv}međutim
on the other hand {adv}s druge strane
Out of the question!Ne dolazi u obzir!
the day before yesterday {adv}prekjučer
The same to you.Također.
wet to the skin {adj}mokar do kože
to arrive on the dot {verb}stići tačno na vrijeme
film The Seventh Seal [Ingmar Bergman]Sedmi pečat
the other way round {adv} [Br.]obrnuto
to dry up (the dishes) [Br.] {verb}osušiti (suđe)
on the left-hand side {adv}na lijevoj strani
on the left-hand side {adv}s lijeve strane
on the right-hand side {adv}na desnoj strani
Unverified The end justifies the meansCilj opravdava sredstvo
Unverified The end justifies the means {noun}Cilj opravdava sredstvo
muzika Unverified Peter and the Wolf [Sergei Prokofiev]Peca i Vuk
to put the garbage / trash out [Am.] {verb}iznijeti smeće
relig. Unverified In the early years of Christianity/Early Christianity {noun}rano kršćanstvo {n}
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